The Making of Yarnologie

Independently owned. 100% Australian made.

Yarnologie began in 2018 as a digital publication, dreamt up and created by Sarah Price.

With a love of writing and reading, Sarah saw a need for a fibre craft magazine that focused on Australia and New Zealand. Yarnologie embodies all things yarn, hence the name.

Sarah is a knitting pattern designer and yarn boutique owner. She started writing for magazines at a young age and loves hearing and sharing other people’s stories. She also loves inspiring other crafters to make how they want to make.

"I remember publishing my first (tiny) issue. Being digital, I was able to make last minute changes, which led me to cramming a story in 48 hours before publication.

Hitting publish was really scary and exciting, and the response was absolutely awesome. Everyone was so excited to have a publication like this, and that love and enthusiasm has continued to where Yarnologie is today."

- Sarah Price, Founder & Editor

In 2023, Yarnologie is 100% print only and continues to be produced by a small team

Our graphic designer makes every edition shine; Sandra keeps everything running smoothly as master of admin and Sarah tries to stay on top of the never ending deadlines. Our wonderful printers bring everything to life and we eagerly anticipate the arrival of our lastest edition back to Yarnologie HQ - where the busy work of shipping every order begins.

Yarnologie is truly a labour of love. Just like knitting yourself a cardigan or crocheting a beautiful blanket, stitch-by-stitch, each edition of Yarnologie is crafted word-by-word.

We've had the priviledge of working with many different people over the years as different articles and submissions come along for every edition. Sarah still writes many of the articles and we also enjoy working with our regular contributors - Liz of Castle Handmade, Joy of Crochet Road, Sue Williamson and, of course, our guest contributors.

We're always looking to add more voices to Yarnologie, so do get in touch if you'd like to submit a story.

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